Critical Care

Critical Care

The department of Critical Care consists of 50 beds along with a high dependency unit. The team comprises of Chief Intensivists, Junior Intensivists, Senior & Junior Doctors and highly efficient, experienced and well-trained nursing & paramedical staff. Our Critical Care consists of various departments viz.AICU,HDU,SICU,CCU,NICU


A ratio of 2 patients to 1 nurse is maintained in AICU however, a ratio of 1:1 is maintained for patients requiring very intensive support and monitoring is maintained.

Average occupancy rate of our critical care areas is 90%.

1. Multichannel monitoring including ETCO2, Bispectral index & pulmonary arterial pressure.
2. Cardiac output monitoring.
3. Bedside ABG analysis in each unit.
4. Bedside 2D Echo, Sonography & Doppler studies in coordination with other departments.
5. Hemodialysis, IABP, Pulmonary catheter, Temporary pacing-intravenous & transcutaneous.
6. Sophisticated ventilators for invasive as well as non-invasive ventilation
7. Proximity to OT complex, Cathlab, CT scan and digital X-Ray.
8. Resuscitation equipment, maintenance of crash carts, defibrillation equipment & advanced airway devices.

1. Cardiac Emergencies like Acute Myocardial Infarction, Cardiogenic Shock as per standard Interventional guidelines & protocol
2. Invasive & Non Invasive Mechanical Ventilation.
3. Basic as well as advanced hemodynamic monitors like PAC cardiac Output Monitoring etc.
4. Advanced Respiratory Care support like Prone Ventilation and ECMO.
5. HEPA filters for maintaining positive and negative pressures to control the hospital acquired infection.
6. 02 Isolation Beds


Dr.Rajen Rai

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Dr.Rajeev Dugal

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Recently renovated 5 beds SICU on first floor serves various surgical patients.
The team is headed by Qualified and experienced critical care specialist, dedicated and qualified nurses, efficient nursing aide and attendant staff round the clock having sympathetic approach to patient care. The design of SICU incorporates various infection control practices minimizing risk of hospital acquired infections.

1. Multichannel monitoring including ETCO2, Bispectral index & pulmonary arterial pressure.
2. Cardiac output monitoring.
3. Bedside ABG analysis in each unit.
4. Bedside 2D Echo, Sonography & Doppler studies in coordination with other departments.
5. Hemodialysis, IABP, Pulmonary catheter, Temporary pacing-intravenous & transcutaneous.
6. Sophisticated ventilators for invasive as well as non-invasive ventilation
7. Proximity to OT complex, Cathlab, CT scan and digital X-Ray.
8. Resuscitation equipment, maintenance of crash carts, defibrillation equipment & advanced airway devices.

1. Portable digital X-ray with on spot visual display improves and expedites decision making about patient care.
2. Flexible intubating Laryngoscope for difficult endotracheal Intubation making procedure safe.
3. Advanced ABG machine with point of care testing for Electrolytes, Glucose and Lactate.
4. Isolated and clean DU (Dirty Utility) area to maintain hygiene.
5. Bright lightning system has been installed creating better atmosphere for doctors and patients..



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Dr.Shekhar Shivhare

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7 bedded CCU serves various cardiac and non-cardiac emergencies. The team is headed by Senior Cardiologist and provides availability of qualified and experienced critical care specialists, dedicated and qualified nurses, efficient nursing aid and attendant staff round the clock having sympathetic approach to patient care. Efficient and readily available paramedic staff i.e. X-ray technicians, Phlebotomists, etc. The design of CCU incorporates various infection control practices minimizing risk of hospital acquired infections.

Average CCU Occupancy is more than 90%

Round the clock availability of cardiologists & other super speciality consultants on call

1. Cardiac Emergencies like Acute Myocardial Infarction, Cardiogenic Shock as per standard Interventional guidelines & protocol
2. Invasive & Non Invasive Mechanical Ventilation.
3. Basic as well as advanced hemodynamic monitors like PAC cardiac Output Monitoring etc.
4. Advanced procedures like IABP, PAC Insertion, Pacemaker insertion are done routinely
5. Routine use of advanced modalities .
6. Advanced Respiratory Care support like Prone Ventilation and ECMO.

1. Advanced Ventilators and Multipara Monitors.
2. Wide Cross ventilation arrangements made for each cubicle.
3. Care taken to ensure proper natural light for each patient.
4. Portable digital X-ray with on spot visual display improves and expedites decision making about patient care.
5. Flexible intubating Laryngoscope for difficult endotracheal Intubation making procedure safe.
6. Advanced ABG machine with point of care testing for Electrolytes, Glucose and Lactate.
7. Separate counselling room for relatives thus improves communication and confidence.
8. Isolated and clean DU (Dirty Utility) area to maintain hygiene.


Our 7 bedded NICU is having state of art facility to provide advanced medical & surgical care to new born with complex clinical scenarios. Our NICU is fully equipped with professionals & trained staff to provide care of extremely premature & low birth weight new born. We are trained to manage new born with extreme prematurity, extreme low birth weight, respiratory distress syndrome, persistent primary pulmonary hypertension, meconium aspiration syndrome, birth asphyxia, congenital anomalies, Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia & complex neonatal surgical conditions. At our hospital we allow mother to actively participate in care of her child to promote mother child bonding. We also encourage mother to provide Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) which provide comprehensive developmental care of babies. Our NICU is managed by in house Intensivist along with neonatologist, subspecialty consultants & Pediatric surgeons.

Our family-centered care approach keeps you up-to-date about your child’s condition and receive the information you need to make informed choices about their care.

1. Management of extreme premature & extreme low birth weight babies
2. Management of respiratory distress syndrome, meconium aspiration and PPHN
3. Management of various complex respiratory and cardiac conditions
4. Management of complex congenital conditions
5. Neonatal seizure & other neurological emergencies
6. Infections with multiorgan failure
7. Postoperative management of surgical cases
8. Phototherapy
9. Exchange transfusion
10. Total Parenteral Nutrition
11. Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC)
12. Lactation Management
13. Bedside retinopathy of prematurity screening.
14. Bedside otoacoustic emission (OAE) test for regular hearing screening of all new born.
15. Point of care bedside laboratory testing.

1. Controlled radiant warmer to provide optimum temperature control
2. Neonatal Ventilation

4. High Flow Nasal Oxygen Therapy
5. Bedside neurosonography
6. Multipara monitors & infusion pumps
7. Invasive Haemodynamic Monitoring
8. Round the clock bedside X ray, Sonography and 2 D Echo
9. Phototherapy
10. Surfactant administration
11. Bedside blood chemistry including ABG
12. Infection control and Surveillance policies


Dr.Hemant Singh

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Dr.Samar Singh

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Dr.Neetu Yadav

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Dr.Nivedita Seehra

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