

The department of Neurology is one of the finest in town with highly qualified consultants, and backed by a state-of-the-art clinical neurophysiology lab (EMG, NCV, EEG, and Evoked Potentials. State-of-the-art intensive care units (ICU) are geared to deal rapidly with ‘brain attack/paralysis or stroke patients’ and other neurological emergencies round the clock. We regularly perform intravenous thrombolysis in stroke patients who come within window period. A physiotherapy and rehabilitation department offers exceptional neuro rehabilitation to help stricken patients overcome their disabilities. The cases which are admitted are of varied types in Neurology. These include strokes, status epilepticus, Gullian Barre Syndrome, Myasthenia Gravis, infections of central nervous system etc. The Neurology department is well recognized by the people in the Mahakaushal region for its dedicated services. Botilinum toxin is administered in various patients of dystonia, hemifacial spasm, Blepherospasm tension type headache and cerebral palsy.

Neurology Department also comprises daily outdoor-speciality clinic for the several neurological conditions like stroke, headache, migraine, movement disorders, neuropathy, muscle disorders, Parkinson disease, epilepsy, paediatric neurology problems and sleep disorders.

The Neuro Sciences unit offers services in the treatment of:

1. Paralysis/Stroke/Brain Attack
2. Migraine/Headache and Backache
3. Epilepsies & Seizure Disorder
4. Sleep Disorders
5. Movement Disorders (Eg., Parkinsonism)
6. Nerve-Muscle Disorders
7. Dementia
8. Degenerative Disorders

1. Carotid Artery disease
2. Slipped Disc (Cervical & Lumbar)
3. Cervical Spondylosis
4. Spine Trauma

24 X 7 Acute Stroke (Paralysis) Management

1. Stroke is emerging as the 3rd largest cause of Mortality Worldwide. 2. FAST is a comprehensive protocol based treatment facility for Acute ischemic stroke (brain paralysis) patients who come to us within the ‘ Golden Period ‘ i.e around 4-6 hrs of the stroke. Intravenous thrombolysis, intra-arterial thrombolysis or mechanic evacuation of the clot is done to minimize the damage caused by the blocked blood vessels in the Brain. 3. The FAST program is a team work between the ER ,Critical care Team, Neurologist, Radiologist, Neurosurgeon and the Neuro-interventionist ensuring a 24×7 care and initiating Thrombolytic (Clot busting) treatment of eligible stroke patients as fast as possible. 4. A standardized protocol based action pathway is followed from the time patients enter the triage till he receives the treatment, to reduce the ‘ door to needle time’ for maximum treatment benefit.

24 X 7 Trauma / Emergency Services
1. Experienced medical professionals.
2. Ambulance Services with transport ventilator & monitor.
3. 24 X 7 Neuro Diagnostics MRI
4. Spiral CT Scan
5. Nerve Conduction Study
6. EEG
7. EMG
8. Digital X-Rays
9. State- of – Art Neuro Critical Care Unit
10. Thrombolytic Therapy
11. Physiotherapist Neuro-Rehabilitation
12. Advanced Ventilators
13. Multi Parameter monitors with central monitoring
14. Motorized Beds


Dr.Rajeev Nayak

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Dr.Alok Agarwal

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Dr. Prashant Kushwaha

(Neuro Surgeon)

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