Jabalpur Hospital & Research Centre provides full facilities to deal with all type of Ear, Nose & Throat problems including routine and emergency care. All major & minor ENT operations are carried out and post operative care is provided by qualified ENT surgeons. The ENT department manages the entire range of diseases in Ear Nose Throat as well as Head & Neck regions. The range of endoscope consists of flexible as well as a rigid endoscope with facilities of video endoscopy. The department works in very close collaboration with various other departments viz., Neurology, Oncology, Maxillo-facial surgery and Plastic Surgery and ICU.

All major ENT, Head and Neck surgeries are performed in the ENT including below:

Ear – Microscopic Ear Surgeries as Stapedectomy , Modified radical mastoidectomy and Tympanplasty. Department runs Vertigo clinic for those who suffer from dizziness. Ear piercing also done as painless procedure with the gun.

Nose – Functional endoscopic sinus surgery for nasal polyps and chronic sinusitis, Septoplasty for deviated septum and Obstructive sleep apnoea, Endoscopic DCR

Head & Neck Surgery for neck conditions like Brancheal cysts and sinuses, Lymph node biopsies, Thyroid nodule, cyst and goiter, Submandibular sialoadenitis and malignant conditions like cancer of larynx (voice box). The department has also facility for micro-laryngeal surgery for vocal nodules causing hoarseness of voice.

Sleep and snoring related surgeries
Route surgery for Chronic tonsillitis and adenoid hypertrophy also done.
Fibre optic bronchoscopy

Allergy test for proper diagnosis and treatment of Nasobronchial allergies and Allergic rhinitis . This test is also useful in patients suffering from Urticaria.

ENT department also includes fully equipped audiology and speech therapy department for patients with speech and hearing impairment. Various test carried out are :
Audiometry Impedance Audiometry Hearing aid trial

1. Hopkins Laryngoscope (70 degree)
2. Nose and ear endoscope
3. Flexible endoscope
4. Operating Microscope


Dr.Sandeep Jain

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Dr.Akhil Srivastava

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Dr.Anirudh Shukla

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